Dataset information
Available languages
Artesisch-gespannte Grundwasservorkommen, infoFeatureAccessService, GeologicCollection, ActiveWell, Grundwasserleiter, EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility, AquiferSystem, Bohrungen, inspireidentifiziert, MappedFeature, Borehole, interoperabel, interoperability, WFS, Artesik, Brandenburg, HydrogeologyCore, Aquifer, Hydrogeologie
Dataset description
The interoperable INSPIRE download service (WFS) Hydrogeology contains all known drillings in which artesian-tensioned groundwaters were encountered. According to the INSPIRE data specification Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0), the contents of the hydrogeological card are INSPIRE-compliant. The WFS includes the following feature types:
— Aquifer (ge_hg: aquifer) with indications of the petrographic designation (lithology), the type of geological unit (geologicUnitType), the approximate thickness (approximateThickness) and the depth (approximateDepth) of the hydrogeological unit, the type of aquifer type (aquifertype), indicating the rock type of the aquifer that determines the hydrogeochemical state of the groundwater (hydroGeochemicalRockType),
— Total aquifers containing a common groundwater body (ge_hg:AquiferSystem),
— Well (ge_hg:ActiveWell) with information on the activity of the well (ActiveWellTypeValue),
— of the associated environmental monitoring facility (ef:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility) with information on the recorded medium (MediaValue),
Holes (ge:Borehole) on which the well is based, with information on length (boreholeLength),
— Type of geological collection (ge:GeologicCollection),
— Geometry objects (ge:MappedFeature).
The compliant INSPIRE download service (WFS) Hydrogeology provides all known wells where artesian groundwater has been encountered for the state of Brandenburg. The content of the hydrogeological map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0). The WFS includes the following FeatureTypes:
aquifer features (ge_hg:Aquifer) with information on the petrographic name (lithology) and type of geological unit (geologicUnitType), information about the approximate thickness (approximateThickness) and depth (approximateDepth) of the hydrogeological unit, about the type of aquifer (aquiferType), and about the values describing the hydrogeochemical condition of the groundwater environment (hydroGeochemicalRockType),
a collection of aquifers, which together constitute the environment of groundwater, that are filled or can be filled with water (ge_hg:AquiferSystem),
wells (ge_hg:ActiveWell) with information about type of activity carried out by the well (ActiveWellTypeValue),
the related environmental monitoring facility (ef:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility) with information about the recorded media (MediaValue),
boreholes (ge:Borehole), upon which the ActiveWell is based, with information about length (boreholeLength),
— type of the geological collection (ge:GeologicCollection),
— Spatial objects (ge:MappedFeature).
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