Inspire Download Service: ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone/Finance, main, framework operating plan areas and areas under mountain control in the Land of Brandenburg (WFS-AM-BGBPLAN)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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infoFeatureAccessService, prospecting and mining permit areas, Abschlußbetriebsplanfläche, regulation zones, prospectingAndMiningPermitArea, Abschluß-, Haupt- und Rahmenbetriebsplanflächen, Rahmenbetriebsplanfläche, interoperability, prospecting, inspireidentifiziert, Brandenburg, management, Bergaufsicht, Hauptbetriebsplanfläche, WFS, restriction, ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone, areaUnderMiningSupervision, interoperabel
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Dataset description

The interoperable INSPIRE download service (WFS) ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone (final, main, framework operating plan areas and areas under mountain control in the Land of Brandenburg) contains data on the final, main, framework operating plan areas and areas under mountain control. The final operating plan areas show the validity areas for mining operations under mountain control. The final operating plan (Section 53(1) of the Federal Mining Act) represents the technical implementation and duration of the cessation of operations. Main operating plan areas show the validity areas for mining operations under mountain control. For the establishment and management of a business, a main operating plan must be drawn up for a period not normally exceeding two years (Section 52(1), first sentence, of the Federal Mining Act). Framework operating plan areas show the validity areas for mining operations under mountain control. The framework operating plan (Section 52(2)(1) of the Federal Mining Act) defines the spatial, temporal and factual framework in which the plans of a mining operation are carried out over a longer period of time. In the case of areas under mountain control (Section 69(1) of the Federal Mining Act), the supervision of these areas is subject to the competent authority (LBGR). According to the INSPIRE data specification ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone (D2.8.III.11_v3.0), the contents of the INSPIRE card are available. The WFS includes the following FeatureType: — Management area, protected area or regulated area (at:ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone): An area managed, protected or regulated in accordance with a mandatory environmental policy or possibly environmental policy or activity at any administrative level (international, Europe, national, regional or local). — The compliant INSPIRE download service (WFS) ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone contains data about closure, main, framework operating areas and areas under mining supervision in the state of Brandenburg. The closure operating plan areas show the areas of validity for mining operations under mining supervision. The final operating plan (§ 53(1) Bundesberggesetz) describes the technical implementation and duration of the cessation of operations. For the establishment and management of a business, a main operating plan is to be drawn up for a period that does not usually exceed two years. Framework operating plan areas show the areas of validity for mining operations under mining supervision. The general operating plan defines the spatial, temporal and factual framework in which the planning of a mining operation is carried out over a longer period of time. In the case of areas under mining supervision (§ 69(1) of the Federal Mining Act), supervision of these areas is subject to the competent authority (LBGR). The content of the map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone (D2.8.III.11_v3.0). The WFS includes the following feature type: Management Restriction Or Regulation Zone (at:ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone): Area managed, restricted or regulated in accordance with a legal requirement related to an environmental policy or a policy or activity that may have an impact on the environment at any level of administration (international, European, national, regional and local).
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