Inspire Download Service: PlannedLandUse/Sub-Regional Plan Spatial Structure and Basic Functional Priorities Region Uckermark-Barnim (WFS-PLU-TRGSPUMBAR)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Siedlungsentwicklung, Planung, Sachlicher Teilregionalplan Raumstruktur und Grundfunktionale Schwerpunkte der Region Uckermark-Barnim, WFS, Grundversorgung, Landesplanung, Raumordnung, opendata, inspireidentifiziert, infoFeatureAccessService, Regionalplanung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The interoperable INSPIRE download service (WFS) PlannedLandUse (derived from the original dataset: Regional Spatial Structure and Basic Functional Priorities of the Uckermark-Barnim Region) defines the regional spatial structure and basic functional priorities from the corresponding legally effective regional plan (Legal Decree of 23.12.2020). According to the INSPIRE data specification Land Use (D2.8.III.4), the contents of the plan are INSPIRE compliant. The WFS includes the following feature types: — OfficialDocumentation: The official documentation of which the spatial plan is composed. It may consist of the applicable legislation, regulations, cartographic elements or descriptive elements which may be linked to the entire spatial plan, a zoning element or a supplementary provision. — SpatialPlan: A set of documents representing a strategic orientation for the development of a specific geographical area by setting out the principles, priorities, programmes and land use to implement the strategic orientation, which influence the spatial distribution of people and their fields of action on different scales. — SupplementaryRegulation: A geo-object (point, line or polygon) of a spatial plan that provides additional information and/or restrictions on the use of land/water, necessary for planning motivation or to formalise the rules laid down in a legal act. — The compliant INSPIRE download service (WFS) PlannedLandUse (derived from the original data set: factual sub plan for basic functional priorities of the Uckermark-Barnim region) defines the basic functional priorities from the corresponding legally effective regional plan (legal ordinance of December 23, 2020). The content of the plan is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Land Use (D2.8.III.4). The WFS includes the following FeatureTypes: — OfficialDocumentation: The official documentation that composes the spatial plan; it may be composed of the applicable legislation, the regulations, cartographic elements, descriptive elements that may be associated with the complete spatial plan, a zoning element or a supplementary regulation. — SpatialPlan: A set of documents that indicates a strategic direction for the development of a given geographic area, states the policies, priorities, programmes and land allocations that will implement the strategic direction and influences the distribution of people and activities in spaces of various scales. — SupplementaryRegulation: A spatial object (point, line or polygon) of a spatial plan that provides supplementary information and/or limitation on the use of land/water, necessary for spatial planning reasons or to formalise external rules defined in legal text.
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