Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set Core zones of the biosphere Bliesgau Saarland

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Get early access to Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set Core zones of the biosphere Bliesgau Saarland API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.29 00:00
Available languages
Kernzone, Bliesgau, Biosphärenreservat, Naturschutz, Schutzgebiet, infoFeatureAccessService, natur_landschaft
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Description of the INSPIRE Download Service (predefined Atom): The data set shows the core zones of the biosphere Bliesgau. In the core zones, a largely undisturbed forest development with its corresponding biodiversity is to be sought. Core zones of the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau des Saarland;. modeled as a viewing object in the GDZ; Selection of the core zones from the MultiFeature class (composed of surface feature class GDz2010.A_ngbsphr and the business table with the material data (GDZ2010.ngbsphr)) and subsequent export to the filegeodatabase zoning according to “Regulation on the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau”. The Bliesgau biosphere is a valuable habitat. The focus is on the protection, care and development of cultural landscapes and sustainable regional development. The UNESCO criteria prescribe a classification of the biosphere reserve into core, nursing and development zones. Material data/attribute information: N° NAME — Name of zone REQUIREMENT base, RIGHTS — Legal basis, EXECUTION — Date of Regulation, ZONE — Development zone, Core zone, Care zone, AMTSBLATT — Year/page, FLAECHE_HA — Size of each zone in ha, PEPL — Care and development plan: yes, no, partly. — The link(s) for downloading the records is/are generated dynamically from getFeature Requests to a WFS 1.1.0
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