Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set for residential, elderly and short-term care facilities as well as Hospise Saarland

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Get early access to Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set for residential, elderly and short-term care facilities as well as Hospise Saarland API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.13 00:00
Available languages
inspireidentifiziert, gesundheitswesen, Altenwohnheim, infoFeatureAccessService, Pflege, Altenheim
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Description of the INSPIRE Download Service (predefined Atom): Retirement homes Total Saarland: Recording of old-age housing, old age, old-age care and short-term care facilities as well as hospices by the spatial data centre in lcf, State Office for Surveying, Geoinformation and Land Development. According to the list of old-age housing, old age, old-age care and short-term pplege facilities as well as hospices pursuant to § 1 Saarland Regional Home Act, there are a total of 12629 places, which are divided as follows: 312 old-age residences; 110 retirement homes; 11812 nursing homes; 369 short-term care places; 26 hospice places. Description of the attribute table: KREIS-: Circle number HNR-: House number ADZ-: Additional address RW-: Legal value HW-: High value STR_NAME-: Street name Postcode: Postcode ORT_NAME-: Place name POST_ORT-: Post Place name NAME_DER_E-: Name of the institution TRAEGER-: Holder of the facility TELEFON-: Telephone number ALTENWOHNHEIMPL-: Old-age residences ALTENHEIMPLAE-: Retirement homes PFLEGEHEIMPLAE-: Nursing home places KURZZEITPFLEGEP-: Short-term care places HOSPIZPLAETZE-: Hospice places GESAMT_PLA-: Total places LANDKREIS_NAME-: District name ERFASSER-: Recorder of the data and date Collection of the retirement homes On the basis of lists, list of old-age housing, old age, old-age care and short-term plenary facilities as well as Hospise pursuant to § 1 Saarland Regional Home Act. DTK5, House coordinates, Orthophotos des lcf, State Office for Surveying, Geoinformation and Land Development. The data were collected by the spatial data center, at lcf. — The link(s) for downloading the records is/are generated dynamically from getFeature Requests to a WFS 1.1.0
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