Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for data set photovoltaic on agricultural land

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.03.29 00:00
Available languages
Gebietskulisse, infoFeatureAccessService, landwirtschaft, Agrarflächen, PV, energieversorgung, Photovoltaikanlagen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Description of the INSPIRE Download Service (predefined Atom): The state government has set itself the goal of further expanding electricity consumption in Saarland through the 20 percent share of renewable electricity achieved in 2020. In order to address the scarcity of space for the construction of PV systems, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Transport had convened a “round table of photovoltaics on agricultural land”. Represented were the Farmers’ Association, the Chamber of Agriculture, Photovoltaic Projectors, the Citizens’ Energy Cooperatives, the State Planning (Ministry of Interior, Building and Sport), the Special Representatives of Nature Conservation and Agriculture (Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection) and the lead Unit F/1 (Principles of Energy and Climate Policy) of the Ministry of Economy, Labour, Energy and Transport. In addition, Unit F/1 (Landmark Office) was involved in the Ministry of Education and Culture. A fundamental agreement has been reached that a regulation can be drawn up at Land level, which corresponds to the option of the Renewable Energy Act on the use of agricultural land in disadvantaged areas for photovoltaic free space installations. Less-favoured areas are areas within the meaning of Council Directive 86/465/EEC of 14 July 1986 concerning the Community list of disadvantaged agricultural areas within the meaning of Directive 75/268/EEC (OJ 1986 L 3, p. L 273, 24.9.1986, p. 1), as amended by Decision 97/172/EC (OJ 1986 L 273, p. 1). L 72, 13.3.1997, p. 1. The Saarland cabinet had adopted this regulation on 27 November 2018. In the meantime, the 100 MW peak specified in the regulation has been awarded in the tenders of the Federal Network Agency. Therefore, an amending regulation was necessary, which includes a further 250 MW peak and applies until 31.12.2025. The landscape has also changed. By removing further priority areas, it decreases from 8.300 ha to 7.470 ha. The amending regulation was adopted by the Saarland Cabinet on 2.3.2021. — The link(s) for downloading the records is/are generated dynamically from getFeature Requests to a WFS 1.1.0
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