Inspire Download Service (predefined ATOM) for Dataset Protected Landscape Components, Surface

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.29 00:00
Available languages
Geschützter Landschaftsbestandteile, Schutzgebiet, Naturschutz, GLB, infoFeatureAccessService, natur_landschaft
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Description of the INSPIRE Download Service (predefined Atom): Protected landscape components are area-like: This term includes elements from nature and landscape that are protected for conservation, restoration and development. Other importance is given to the landscape components as habitats for certain wild animal and plant species. Protected landscape components of the Saarland; Viewing object in the GDZ; Selection from the MultiFeature Class Natural Monuments/Protected Landscape Components (composed of surface feature class GDZ2010.A_ngndglb and the business table with the property data (GDZ2010.ndglb)) and export to the filegeodatabase The following user-relevant attributes are available: IDENTIFICATION: OSIRIS identifier; KENNUNG_ALT: Old identifier (districts); TYPE: Type; ANZAHL_FL: Number of areas; FLAECHE_HA: Area in ha (official); RECORDING; REMARK; PROTECTION PURPOSE; INCORPORATION DATA; THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL; EXPULSION; SELF-PROPERTY; Natural monuments: Natural monuments are protected individual objects of the landscape such as a remarkable tree or a rock. The dignity of protection arises from the rarity, the special character, the beauty or the scientific value of a natural monument. Examples of important natural monuments of the Saarland are the Schlossberg Caves in Homburg or the Brennende Berg in Dudweiler. Attributes: KENZIFFER: Identification number; TYPE: Name; LAW: Determination according to §§ of the Saarland Nature Conservation Act- SNG; RECORDING: The basis for recording; EXPULSION: Date of expulsion; AMT_J_S: Publication in the Official Journal, LAGE: Location designation; AUSG_DURCH: The entity that has designated the ND; AT THE SAME TIME: Responsibility. — The link(s) for downloading the records is/are generated dynamically from getFeature Requests to a WFS 1.1.0
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