Inspire Download Service: Soil/base saturation in the effective root region of Brandenburg (WFS-SO-BASEN)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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SoilDerivedObject, baseSaturationInRootZoneDepthWithOrganicSurfaceLayer, Basensättigung im effektiven Wurzelraum Brandenburg, KAK, Basensättigung, SoilBody, Geologie, Process, OM_Observation, Soil, infoFeatureAccessService, Brandenburg, WFS, Oberboden, Sorptionskapazität, Bodenkunde, interoperabel, inspireidentifiziert, DerivedSoilProfile, CEC, interoperability, bboxbebb, sorption capacity, pH-Wert, Boden, Bodenschutz, baseSaturationInRootZoneDepth, SoilLayer, depthInterval
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The interoperable INSPIRE download service (WFS) Soil (derived from the original dataset: Base saturation in the effective root area of Brandenburg) gives an overview of base saturation in the effective root space in the state of Brandenburg. This map is based on the legend units of the soil overview map with assignment of parameterised surface soil shapes. These represent a soil form society for each legend unit. The individual soil forms were provided with parameters, including the pH and KAC values determined by ground and laboratory tests. The same horizontal-substrate combinations were summarised and parameters (such as pH and KAC values) were statistically derived (usually the median value). The base saturation in the effective root space was derived with and without the support horizons. For different results for the soil forms of a legend unit, the area-dominant and subdominant classified values were given (see Table according to Hennings 2000, Link Rule 2.4). According to the INSPIRE data specification Soil (D2.8.III.3_v3.0), the contents of the floor map are INSPIRE-compliant. The WFS includes the following feature types: — Monitoring process with information on the organisation involved in the process, — derived soil object with information on the observation of the soil property to describe the derived soil object, —Observation of a soil property indicating the character of the soil-derived object, the observed property, the soil-derived observation of soil-related properties, the result of observations of the derived soil object, — Soil bodies, demarcated and with respect to certain soil characteristics and/or spatial patterns of homogeneous part of the floor ceiling; and — Soil layer with information on the assignment of the layer to a term corresponding to its type, the derived profile, which serves as the reference profile for a particular type of soil in a given geographical area. — The compliant INSPIRE download service (WFS) Soil (derived from the original data set: base saturation in the effective root zone depth range in Brandenburg) provides an overview of the base saturation in the effective root zone in Brandenburg. This map is based on the legend units of the soil map with corresponding assignment of parameterised soil forms. These represent one soil form society per legend unit. The single soil forms were assigned with parameters, including the pH and CEC values, which were determined by field and laboratory investigations. Identical horizon-substrate combinations were summarised and the corresponding parameters (such as pH and CEC values) were statistically derived (usually the median value). The base saturation in the effective root zone was derived with and without surface layers. In the case of different results for the soil forms of a legend unit, the area dominant and the area sub-dominant classified values are displayed (see table according to Hennings 2000, Method 2.4). The content of the soil map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Soil (D2.8.III.3_v3.0). The WFS includes the following feature types: Observation process with information about the organisation involved in the process, Soil derived object with information on the observation of the soil property for characterising the soil derived object, Observations of a soil derived object with information about the character of the soil derived object, the observed property, the soil derived observation of soil related properties, the result of the observations of the soil derived object, Soil Body, part of the soil cover that is delineated and that is homogeneous with regard to certain soil properties and/or spatial patterns, and Soil layer with information about the assignation of the layer according to the concept that fits its kind, to the derived soil profile, which serves as a reference profile for a particular type of soil in a specific geographical area.
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