Germany and its EEZ, infoMapAccessService, Tektonik, inspireidentifiziert, opendata, Deutschland und deutsche AWZ, Induzierte Seismizität, Erdbeben, Seismologie, Epizentrum
The WMS GERSEIS (INSPIRE) represents the seismological events of the German Earthquake Catalogue which is based on a database providing information on the seismicity in Germany and adjacent areas. It contains locations of seismic events since year 800 where their epicentre determinations are based on historical sources as well as on measurements at seismometer stations since the start of instrumental seismological recording in the 20th century. Today, digital data acquisition at seismometer stations of the German regional seismic network (GRSN), the seismic GERES array, and the Gräfenberg array (GRF) takes place. All events with a local magnitude ML 2.0 and higher are listed. Due to the continuous processing of the seismic events, the INSPIRE dataset is updated annually. The WMS GERSEIS (INSPIRE) contains a layer of the seismological events (NZ.ObservedEvent) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains the content of the INSPIRE attributes unitsOfMeasure, qualitativeValue, QuantitativeValue, validFrom and intensityScale (short name of citation of the intensity scale).
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