Inspire SH Protected Areas in Schleswig-Holstein

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.15 00:00
Available languages
LSG, National, inspireidentifiziert, PriorityDataset, Landschaftsschutzgebiete, Schleswig-Holstein, Regional, INSPIRE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The INSPIRE dataset shall contain: *** — the territorial demarcation of areas included by the European Commission in the list of sites of Community importance (SCI list) — FFH areas. Status: Notification June 2006 (last correction: *** — the territorial demarcation of the notified EC bird protection areas (equivalent to SPA areas). Status: December 2008 *** — the territorial demarcation of the recognised biosphere reserves in the Land of Schleswig-Holstein in accordance with § 14 LNatSchG (2010). The BR “Elbe River Landscape” extends over Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to Brandenburg. Only the SH part is shown here. Status: December 2005 *** — the International Convention on Wetlands, signed in 1971 in Ramsar, Iran, is an intergovernmental agreement for the conservation and environmentally sound use of wetlands and their resources. Ratification by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1976. The Ramsar Agreement commits States Parties to the conservation and promotion of wetlands, including by designating areas that meet the Ramsar criteria. In Schleswig-Holstein, the area “Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer und adjoining Territories” was officially designated on 15 November 1991. — the territorial demarcation of the existing nature reserves (NSG) pursuant to Paragraph 23(1)(1) to (3) of the BNatschG. Status: ongoing adaptation *** — the territorial demarcations of the nature parks in accordance with § 16 LNatSchG (2010). Status: October 2008 *** — the territorial demarcations of the existing Landscape Protected Areas (LSG) of the districts and district-free towns in Schleswig-Holstein *** — the territorial boundaries of the Protected Landscape Components (GLB) of the districts and district-free towns in Schleswig-Holstein *** — the territorial demarcations of the natural monuments (ND) of the districts in Schleswig-Holstein of the districts and district-free towns in Schleswig-Holstein
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