Inspire SL Hydro — Physical waters ATKIS DLM50

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.04.21 00:00
Available languages
inspireidentifiziert, Geobasisdaten, Saarland
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This INSPIRE dataset contains the Saarland water network. The transformation was carried out in accordance with the INSPIRE Hydrography guidelines in version 4.0. The following application schemes are currently being provided on this topic: * Hydrography Physical Waters * Hydrography Networks The scheme Hydrography Physical Waters The application scheme of Physical Waters is mainly used to create base maps for hydrography. The selection of feature classes in this package is based on both the requirements for assigning certain objects and the need to distinguish specific objects according to a modeling aspect. As a result, certain characteristics of the “real world” are grouped into a single class when it has been found that they do not have to be distinguished from the point of view of mapping or from the point of view of modelling. The following groups of objects can be distinguished: * Natural water objects that are part of the hydrological network, such as watercourses, standing water, wetlands, etc. * Objects describing the physical water objects (banks, shorelines) * Areas in which the water is caught (river basin/dewatering basin) * Hydrographic points of interest. Points that affect the flow of water in the water network and appear on maps but are not artificial objects (e.g. falls, sources and seepage, etc.). * Artificial objects. All objects that must be indicated on the map and have a relationship with the water network (e.g. embankments, canals, locks, dams and weirs). The Hydrography Networks Schema requires additional information (e.g. closed network, certain attributes) that are not necessarily required for a background map. This additional information as well as the network model itself are therefore included in a separate application scheme, which can be regarded as an extension of the physical waters. If only one network model is available with the data provider, it is possible to describe the network without directly referring to physical objects. For this reason, spatial objects contain their own geometries both in the network model and in the physical hydrography schemes.
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