Inspire View Service: GovernmentalService/Locations and areas of responsibility of the police in the state of Brandenburg (WMS-USGOVSERV-POLBB)
Open data API in a single place
Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
Get early access to Inspire View Service: GovernmentalService/Locations and areas of responsibility of the police in the state of Brandenburg (WMS-USGOVSERV-POLBB) API!
The Interoperable INSPIRE Presentation Service (WMS) GovernmentalService (locations and responsibilities of the police in the State of Brandenburg) represents the locations and areas of the police in the state of Brandenburg. Further information such as contact details and address can be accessed with the help of a factual data query (GetFeatureInfo). According to the INSPIRE Data Specification Utility and Government Services (D2.8.III.6_v3.0), the contents of the location map are INSPIRE compliant. The WMS includes the following layers:
— US.policeService.Location — Services dealing with police affairs.
— US.policeService.Area (Police Areas) — Services dealing with police affairs.
The interoperable INSPIRE view service (WMS) GovernmentalService (locations and areas of the police services in the state of Brandenburg) represents the locations and areas of the police services in the state of Brandenburg. Additional information such as contact details and address can be retrieved using a property data query (GetFeatureInfo). According to the INSPIRE data specification Utility and Government Services (D2.8.III.6_v3.0), the contents of the site map are INSPIRE compliant. The WMS includes the following layers:
— US.policeService.Location (locations of the police services) — Services concerned with police affairs;
Us.policeService.Area (areas of the police services) — Services concerned with police affairs.
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