International hydrogeological map of Europe 1:1,500,000 (IHME1500)

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Provided by Czech Geological Survey

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.08.01 00:00
Available languages
IHME, Quellen, Grundwasservorkommen, Lithologie, ihme 1500, Lithology, Groundwater resources, EGDI, Geology, Springs, Europäischer Kontinent und Teile des Nahen Ostens, ihme1500, ihme, IHME1500
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The IHME1500 v1.2 is a vector dataset resulting from the digitisation of the 25 published map sheets of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe at the of scale 1:1,500,000 (IHME1500). The dataset was extended for five unpublished, digitised IHME1500 map sheets to achieve full map coverage. It consists of selected features of the IHME1500 with the following content: - Aquifer types (area): Distinction of six types of aquifers according to their productivity and void types. - Lithology (area): Lithological classification of the aquifers at five aggregation levels. - Seawater intrusion (area): Areas with salination of groundwater caused by sea water intrusion. - Tectonic fractures (line): Geological lineaments assigned to the five classes of known or supposed faults or overthrusts and boundaries of fractured belts in Iceland. The IHME1500 v1.2 includes a correction of inconsistencies of the printed map sheets and was spatially adjusted to an up-to-date topographic base. The IHME1500 is a hydrogeological map series consisting of 25 published map sheets with explanatory notes that covers the European continent and parts of the Near East. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) are the project coordinators, supported by the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW). Each sheet consists of contributions by the respective countries represented in the map, which were harmonised across borders. The map series including the explanatory notes can be used for scientific purposes, for large-scale regional planning and as a framework for detailed hydrogeological mapping.
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