Is BK 5 Soil map for the forest site exploration of NRW 1: 5,000 — WFS

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.19 00:00
Available languages
Forst, Naturschutz, Bodenbeschaffenheit, Bodenkarte, Wald, Sickerwasser, Soil, Waldbauplanung, Grundwasser, Bodenartenschichtung, Bodenkartierung, Flurbereinigung, Bodeninformationssystem, Wasserhaushalt, 1 : 5.000, Bodentyp, Bodenart, Landschaftsplanung, Boden, großmaßstäbig, Staunässe, Bodenkunde, Wasserschutz, Bodenschutz, Nährstoffhaushalt, Bodenfunktion
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The WFS gives the contents of all digitally processed large scale ground maps, usually on a scale 1: 5,000, again. This service uses the older dataset of the soil map for the forest location survey of NRW 1: 5,000 to. To this end, the individual soil mapping projects (“procedures”) were integrated into a largely fracture-free overall package. Because the large-scale floor map was not produced comprehensively, the WFS also shows white areas that are not mapped. For these areas, medium-scale ground-based information can be obtained from the BK50 WMS. When the information from a GIS is retrieved, each individual surface is described by an information page with a clear text edition with respect to soil unit, simplified soil type, soil species group of the topsoil, wet water, groundwater (former and current stage), protected soils, rootability, forest location characteristics, need for soil protection calcification, optimal corridor distance, soil erodability, capillary rise of groundwater, usable field capacity, field capacity, air capacity, saturated water conductivity, leaching capacity, cation exchange capacity and further evaluations. For most evaluations, the WMS also provides a cartographically prepared presentation of the factual data as an evaluation card
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