Dataset information
Available languages
Bodenbeschaffenheit, Bodenschutz, Grundwasser, Soil, IS BK 5, Landwirtschaft, Wasserhaushalt, Bodenkarte, Wasserschutz, Bodeninformationssystem, 1 : 5.000, Sickerwasser, Bodenartenschichtung, Flurbereinigung, Bodenkunde, Landschaftsplanung, Boden, Bodentyp, Staunässe, Bodenkartierung, Bodenfunktion, Oberboden, Bodenart, Naturschutz, großmaßstäbig
Dataset description
The WMS provides the contents of all digitally processed large-scale soil maps of agricultural land, usually on a scale 1: 5,000, again. For this purpose, the individual soil mapping projects (“procedures”) were integrated into a largely break-free overall package. Because the large-scale floor map was not created nationwide, the WMS also shows white, uncharted areas. For these areas, medium-scale soil information can be extracted from the BK50 WMS. Information about adjacent forest areas can be extracted from the BK5 WMS for forest site sensing. When the information is retrieved from a GIS, each individual area is described by an information page with a clear text output regarding soil unit, simplified soil type, soil type group of the upper soil, dams, groundwater (former and current stage), soil worthy of protection, rootability, leakage water rate, optimum floor spacing, erodibility of the upper floor, capillary ascent of groundwater, usable field capacity, field capacity, air capacity, saturated water conductivity, leakage suitability, cation exchange capacity and other evaluations. For most evaluations, the WMS also provides a map of the material data as an evaluation card.
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