Land cover model for Germany (LBM-DE) 2012

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.03.08 23:00
Available languages
Boden, Adressen, Höhe, CLC, Bodennutzung, Gewässernetz, Mineralische Bodenschätze, Landnutzung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The LBM-DE contains information on land cover and land use. The dataset was recorded for the first time in 2009 on a comprehensive basis. The initial recording was carried out on the basis of the selected surface-like object types of the ATKIS® Basis-DLM (2009) from the areas of settlement, transport, vegetation and water bodies. The LBM-DE is updated at the rhythm of three years to the respective reference year. The first LBM-DE 2009 survey contains area-based information within the meaning of the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) European nomenclature. Since 2012, land cover (LB) and land use (LN) have been recorded separately, as the CLC nomenclature does not show a clear separation of the two aspects. Other descriptive attributes for all objects are the degree of sealing (SIE) and the degree of vegetation cover (VEG). The continuation of the LBM-DE2012 is carried out with satellite images (RapidEye and DMC -Disaster Monitoring Constellation) and the data of the base DLM, whereby the ATKIS® Basic DLM (as of 2012) is of particular interest to objects with top actuality (roads and construction). The update consists of the substantive and geometric verification of surface objects based on LBM-DE from the previous reference period and the associated recording of changes. The minimum carting area of the data set shall be 1 hectare. In the course of the creation of LBM-DE2018, a survey of the time series of the LBM-DE has been carried out since 2012. Based on the latest version of 2018 a return calculation was made for the years 2012 and 2015. The comparability of the datasets is increased as changes made over time are compensated for in the class definitions. Thus, the significance of change analyses can also be increased.
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