Leachate rate and nitrate discharge hazard in Brandenburg — INSPIRE View-Service (WMS-LBGR-SWRPNAG)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Sauerstoff, Schadstoff, Bodenschutz, Nitrataustrag, Bodenart, Nährstoff, Umweltschutz, Dünger, Sickerwasser, Umweltverschmutzung, Bodenkunde, Nitrataustragsgefährdung, WMS, Grundwasser, Landwirtschaftsnutzung, Oberflächengewässer, Substrate, Grundwasserneubildung, Landwirtschaft, Hydrologie, Umwelt, Sickerwasserrate, Stickstoff, landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, Nitratbelastung, Niederschlag, infoMapAccessService, Grundwasserverschmutzung, Grundwasserschutz, Nitrat, Trinkwasser, Mineral, Wasser, bboxbebb, Bodenübersichtskarte, Biogasanlage, Geologie, Nitrit, Boden, Pflanze
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Dataset description

The INSPIRE View Service represents the leachate rate (SWR) and the potential nitrate discharge hazard (PNAG) in the state of Brandenburg. The annual leachate rate describes the mean amount of leachate estimated by the TUB-BGR method in mm/a, which leaves the soil downwards taking into account the capillary ascent. The leachate formed contributes to the new groundwater formation and/or leaves the leachate zone as an intermediate discharge. The SWR is a decisive input size for water balance calculations or hydrogeological groundwater modelling. It also significantly controls the shift of harmful substances and nutrients (e.g. Nitrate) in soil and indirectly influences location suitability for flora and fauna. The PNAG evaluates the risk of nitrate leaching from the root space of vegetation by leaching soil water. The place of assessment is the lower limit of the rooted soil layer. The ratio of SWR and usable field capacity in the effective root space (nFCs) initially provides the exchange frequency of the plant-available soil water. This is classified in 5 levels (very low (1), low (2), medium (3), high (4), very high (5)) and results in PNAG. The characteristic value of PNAG is not suitable for deriving quantitative statements, since usage-dependent influences (e.g. crop type, nitrogen inputs and discharges, autumn nitrate content in soil) are not taken into account. The landing method for the calculation of the PNAG represents a modification of the federal method in which the particular hazards of groundwater sites and bog sites are taken into account. Further information can be found here: https://geo.brandenburg.de/karten/htdocs/21042020_Sickerwasserrate.pdf
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