LGRB-BW Moore: processed area

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.07.01 00:00
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Dataset description

The distribution of all moors and humus-rich groundwater soils in Baden-Württemberg is shown in a map (dataset). It is a revised version of the Baden-Württemberg Moorkarte of the LUBW (Moorkarte BW) with a clear focus on the soil classification of the developed soil types. Unlike the LUBW bog map, this dataset covers the entire range of humous groundwater soils. It illustrates the soil water conditions around the actual bog or covered peat bodies. In the Rhine Valley and in the Black Forest, data from the LUBW bog map were taken over. All other areas were created by field surveys as part of the preparation of the BK50 and evaluation of the forest site mapping (FVA), the soil estimation (FA) and, if necessary, adapted to the spatial conditions of the digital terrain model DGM1 (LGL). In the case of disturbed moor water balance, after an initially fast-running but soon resounding moor sacking, there is a continuous loss of altitude of the bogs, which is based on mineralisation of the peat. At 11,541 moor sites in Baden-Württemberg with historical elevation measurements from 1949 to 1974, re-measurements of the moor heights were carried out in 2012 and 2013. The average annual elevation loss measured during this period was between 2.9 and 8.8 mm depending on the type of bog and the utilisation intensity. From layer descriptions of 28,823 bog bores, moor power distributions of numerous bogs could be derived.
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