Locations Debtor and insolvency advisory offices in Germany

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.22 00:00
Available languages
opendata, schuldnerberatungsatlas, schuldnerberatung, erreichbarkeit, insolvenzberatung, fahrzeiten
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Dataset description

Debtor and Insolvency Advice Offices in Germany: Data base and methodology: Data from generally accessible sources will be used. The type of collection of debtor and insolvency advisory services for this application does not guarantee the completeness and correctness of the consultancies presented, since the address information is generated exclusively from external sources. Note: Users cannot be provided with information on the assumption of costs of debtor advice, as there is no uniform regulation on this throughout Germany. Locations of Debt Advice Centres: If an advisory centre has multiple locations and this information is publicly available, both locations are displayed in the Atlas. Accessibility zones of debtor counselling centres: The basis for the calculation of accessibility zones of debtor counselling centres is the road data base of the open community project OpenStreetMap (OSM). With the help of the software Esri ArcGIS Desktop and the program extensions Network Analyst and ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap, the relevant road data (geometric information and associated attributes) are extracted from the OSM data and converted into a routing-enabled network data model. This allows the calculation of accessibility zones, the so-called isochrons. The isochronic calculation is performed for discrete time zones of five to 90 minutes. Within a zone, there is no further distinction between driving times. The accessibility is indicated in the form of grid cells with a spatial resolution of 100 meters * 100 meters. Please note that the indicated travel times are derived model sizes, which may differ significantly from actual driving times. In particular, the current traffic situation or possible restrictions on road traffic, such as traffic jams, construction sites or road closures are NOT taken into account. Furthermore, no guarantee can be assumed for the correctness of the underlying road geometry and the driving speeds derived from it. The OSM database may contain inaccuracies or errors in both geometric and descriptive information. For example, missing road sections or incorrect access restrictions can prevent the connection of individual traffic areas to the rest of the road network. This can result in incorrect calculation results. Please note that the algorithm for calculating distance zones in the periphery of the road network may produce highly generalising results. This allows isolated island areas close to the coast to be colored, although they do not have a connection to a road network. In principle, the accuracy of the information and calculation results presented cannot be guaranteed. Settlement structural circle types: With the district types of the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR), a simple group division of the 363 district regions in Germany is carried out. Various settlement structure characteristics are used for typing: the proportion of the population in large and medium-sized cities, the population density of the district region and the population density of the district region without taking into account the large and medium-sized cities (state: 31.12.2017). The division into settlement structural types serves as a tool for inter- and intra-regional comparisons. These types of areas do not identify spatial problem categories and do not constitute a functional allocation of spatial planning policy. They serve exclusively as an analytical grid for ongoing spatial observation and enable comparisons of the corresponding region types. On this basis, the settlement structural circle types are divided into four groups: District-free major cities: District-free cities with at least 100 000 inhabitants Urban districts: Districts with a population share in large and medium-sized cities of at least 50 % and a population density of at least 150 inhabitants/km²; and districts with a population density without large and medium-sized cities of at least 150 inhabitants/km² Rural circles with compaction approaches: Districts with a population share in large and medium-sized cities of at least 50 % but with a population density of less than 150 inhabitants/km², and districts with a population share in large and medium-sized cities below 50 % with a population density excluding large and medium-sized cities of at least 100 inhabitants/km² Sparsely populated rural circles: Districts with a population share in large and medium-sized cities below 50 % and population density without large and medium-sized cities under 100 inhabitants/km² Further explanations can be found on the homepage of the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR) in the Federal Office for Building and Spatial Planning (BBR) at www.bbsr.bund.de In the Debt Counseling Atlas, the population shares for Germany stratified by settlement structural circle types are shown in an accessibility chart. Legal basis: The legal basis is the Federal Statistics Act (BStatG). For more information on over-indebtedness of private individuals in Germany, see the section Assets and Debt at: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Einkommen-Konsum-Lebensbedingungen/Vermoegen-Schulden/_inhalt.html
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