Macrophyte monitoring — occurrence of seagrass and green algae in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea from 1994 (UIG)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Umweltüberwachung, Chlorophyceae, opendata, ENVI, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer, Umweltschutz, Makroalgen, Naturschutz, EU-Richtlinie, Zostera noltii, TMAP, Zostera nana, Grünalgen, Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie MSRL, Eutrophierung, eelgras, gdi-sh, Green, Nordsee, MSRL, INSPIRE
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Dataset description

This database provides the unfiltered data of all acquisition flights from 1994 onwards (UIG) for the entire macrophyte monitoring. These are aircraft mappings of seagrass meadows and green algae as part of the Trilateral Monitoring Programme (TMAP). The coverage level shall be expressed in 2 density classes of closed stocks. The identification of the surfaces from the sports aircraft is only possible from approx. 20 % coverage. The data was merged into a database based on individual shapes. From 1989 and 1990 there are similar mappings in the framework of the ecosystem research of Schleswig-Holstein’s Wadden Sea, but differing in the classification. This service includes the following layers: Seagrass: ZOS_ALL_FLIHTS_ab1994 and green algae: GRALG_ALL_FLIGHTS_ab1994. From 1994 onwards, a further service was derived from the MDI-DE Marine Data Infrastructure Germany project, which considered seagrass and green algae as eutrophication parameters relevant to the MSRL Descriptor 5, with only one flight per year where the coverage level was highest: see WMS MSRL: D5 eutrophication (sh-lkn). | Examination: Situation check | Examination description: Location comparison with other cartographic data, e.g. nautical charts of the BSH | Data content (picture): Situational check
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