Main uses of FNP Wuppertal

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.14 14:48
Available languages
planung, flächennutzungsplan, planungsrecht, fnp-hauptnutzung, b-plan, fnp, geo, gdi-w, räumliche-planung, änderungsverfahren, fnp-auszug, bauleitplanung, fnp-änderungsverfahren, arbeitskarte, fnp-änderung, bebauungsplanverfahren, bebauungsplan, städtebauliche-entwicklung, baugesetzbuch, fnp-berichtigung, hauptnutzung, infrastruktur, inspireidentifiziert, opendata, wuppertal, flächennutzung, baugb, bodennutzung, bauen-und-wohnen, vorbereitender-bauleitplan
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set is an informal excerpt from the land use plan of the City of Wuppertal (FNP), which includes the main utilisation areas (as of 05/2020) 4594. These form a complete mosaic throughout the entire Wuppertal city area. These are those definitions that are represented in the FNP by coloured surfaces. For each main area of use, the data set shall contain the specified use (as plain text) and the date on which that determination entered into force. For areas determined by means of FNP modification procedures, the number of the modification procedure, where applicable, the number of the development plan giving rise to the FNP amendment and a reference to the related public notice shall also be given. The main areas of use were digitised in the course of the creation of the FNP on the basis of the German base map 1:5,000, as of 1996. Tension-free overlay with current large-scale maps or orthophotos is therefore not possible. An update of the database will only take place after the completion of an amendment procedure to the FNP, whereby the scope of the legally effective modification procedures is adapted to the main areas of use in such a way that it is possible to share these two data sets without contradiction. The dataset is available under an open data license (CC BY-ND 4.0) with the exclusion of data modification. According to the AG Geokom.NRW of the leading municipal associations in NRW and the state of NRW, there is a statutory publication obligation for the continued FNP main uses according to the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive or the Spatial Data Access Act NRW. In the recommendation for action of this WG, they are assigned to the topic of “soil use” set out in Annex III to the Directive.
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