Map Layer State Forest Areas

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

State Forest Areas North Rhine-Westphalia There are currently in North Rhine-Westphalia (status: 2011) 14 regional forestry offices, a national park forest office and a teaching and experimental forest office with a total of 300 forest areas (forest business districts) of the state farm Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen. These cover the entire country area. Below you will find an overview of the tasks of the Regional Forest Offices of the State Forest and Wood North Rhine-Westphalia. In particular, depending on the equipment of the Forest Office with different main tasks and state forest proportions, there may be deviations. Area of responsibility: Sovereign (Landesforstgesetz) responsible for the entire state area. Support: Competent professional support for private and municipal forest owners through advice, guidance and active assistance; Establishment of a long-term planning aid for forest management. State forest management: Sustainable management of the state forest (the state of North Rhine-Westphalia) taking into account ecological, economic and social interests. Wood marketing: Brokering and selling the harvested wood from the private, municipal and state forests. Nature conservation and landscape care: Species and biotope protection, both in the forest and in the open landscape. Support: Distribution of funds, especially for private forest owners, to promote forestry. Highness: Protection of the forest and all its functions; Conservation and safeguarding of forest areas. Education and training: Training in various professions; Training of staff; Training and training of forest owners. Public relations: Information to the public about the work of the Forest Office and the state and development of the forest. Administration: Management of the properties of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
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