Maritime Borders of the Federal Republic of Germany

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.05 00:00
Available languages
BSH, BSH, AWZ, Seegrenzen, EEZ, Basislinie, Küstenmeer, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, mcloud_category_waters, mcloud_category_waters, baseline, maritime boundary, The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, maritime border, territorial sea
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The maritime borders dataset contains the seaward boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the territorial sea and the baselines. They are condensed coordinates of the maritime border maps 2920 (North Sea) and 2921 (Baltic Sea). They are coordinates compressed (interpolated) to geodetic lines. The distance of the nodes on the geodetic connecting lines of the defined boundary points is less than or equal to 100 m. The maritime borders of Germany were proclaimed in the today no more usual coordinate system "European date 1950 (ED50)". This definition is based in particular on the announcement of the Federal Government's proclamation of 19 October 1994 on the extension of the German territorial sea (BGBl. I p. 3428) and the Federal Republic of Germany's proclamation of 25 November 1994 on the establishment of an exclusive economic zone (BGBl. II p. 3769), which are decisive with regard to the demarcation of the German territorial sea and the German exclusive economic zone. In order to be able to better use these boundaries in today's GIS systems and to avoid conversion errors, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency has derived the present usage coordinates in WGS 84. In this respect, they are not official maritime borders of Germany.
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