Methods/Characteristics Soil

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.08.22 00:00
Available languages
Nitratverlagerung, Bodenvergesellschaftung, Feinbodenanteil, Feldkapazität, Strukturbeeinträchtigung, Land use, Kationenaustauschkapazität, Gesamtporenvolumen, Mittelporen, Erosionsgefährdung, Ökologische Feuchtestufe, Verschlämmungsgefährdung, MIttlere kapillare Aufstiegsrate, Grobporen, Nutzbare Feldkapazität, Verdichtungsempfindlichkeit, Effektive Durchwurzelungstiefe, Nitratauswaschung, Totwasser, Grundwasserstufe, Bodeninventur, Luftkapazität, Feinporen, Porengrößenverteilung, Stoffhaushalt
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Dataset description

A method (in the Soil Science Specialised Information System) describes the prerequisites, application and outcome of a series of processing steps (linking rules) that derive aggregated statements from input data in the form of characteristic values or evaluations. Characteristics (in the Soil Science Specialised Information System) are characteristic properties of soil research objects (soil type, soil type, base substrate, profile, etc.) which can be measured, calculated and expressed with a numerical value. In the field of soil science, the Geological Service NRW mainly uses the following methods or determines characteristic values: Evaluation methods for structural impairments Potential risk of erosion of mineral soils by water Potential compression sensitivity Sludge inclination Evaluation methods for water and substance balance Filter properties of the soil versus heavy metals Nitrate leaching hazard (exchange frequency) Nitrate relocation depth in winter half-year Plant-available soil water Average annual leachate rate Evaluation methods for location-based classification Ecological humidity level Natural soil fertility Biotope development potential Climate characteristic values Current vapour pressure Annual climate water balance Potential evaporation (after Haude) Interpolated day falls Erodibility of precipitation Characteristic values for the evaluation of filter properties Nitrate leaching hazard (exchange frequency) Hazard to groundwater by heavy metals Geogenic heavy metal caps of looser and solid rock Characteristics for the assessment of the soil water balance Ecological humidity level Field capacity of effective root space Medium capillary ascension rate Usable field capacity of effective root space Border fluid level Plant-available soil water Average annual leachate rate Characteristics for assessing substance loss and structural impairment Potential risk of erosion of mineral soils by water Potential compression sensitivity Risk of sludge Characteristics of soil chemistry Effective cation exchange capacity Target pH on agricultural land Characteristic values for soil physics Determination of the proportions of clay, silt and sand fractions in the fine soil Erodibility of the upper floor Duration of capillary ascent Effective rooting depth Fine soil content Fine pores Field Capacity Total pore volume Air capacity Middle pores Medium capillary ascension rate Usable field capacity Pore size distribution Dead water Water permeability in water-saturated soil Water permeability in the water-unsaturated soil Water voltage curve Wide coarse pores Simulation models Model for leachate simulation General soil removal equation
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