MGrowa — Model data

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.25 00:00
Available languages
standorteigenschaften, duev, mgrowa, verdunstung, umwelt_klima, düngeverordnung, netto-gesamtabfluss, nitrat, grundwasser, tatsächliche-verdunstung, grundwasserneubildung, draengeabfluss, abfluss, gw-neubildung, direktabfluss, sicherwasserrate, evapotranspiration, zwischenabfluss, urbaner-direktabfluss, no3, gesamtabfluss, lanuv, düv, sickerwasser, opendata, drängeabfluss, netto-grundwasserneubildung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The grid maps of the long-term water balance components contained in this data compilation are based on the grid cell-based water balance model mGROWA (Forschungszentrum Jülich), which uses as input data climate, land use, topography, soil map and geological maps. In mGROWA, the actual evaporation and total outflow in daily resolution are calculated on the basis of the respective precipitation quantities and climatic influences. The water storage and leaching movement in up to 5 soil layers as well as possible capillary ascent from groundwater are taken into account. The calculated daily values are then aggregated for longer periods (here 1981-2010). Below, the total outflow based on the location properties (cf. grid map “Location properties for splitting the total runoff into mGROWA”) is divided into different drain components. In addition to the grid maps of actual evaporation, total drainage and location characteristics, the grid maps of the discharge components of urban direct runoff, leachate rate, intermediate runoff, drainage drainage, groundwater regeneration and direct drainage are included in the data compilation. The country-year average for 1981-2010 is shown. A detailed description is included in the metadata for this data compilation (link). The map of the new groundwater formation contained in this data compilation is identical to the map of groundwater regeneration published in the Geoportal NRW also as a separate data set “groundwater regeneration”. Included records (grid maps): Actual evaporation (Evapotranspiration) Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (as of 2019) Total outflow Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (status 2019) Location properties for the distribution of the total outflow in mGROWA e erected by FZ Jülich (as of 2019) Urban direct outflow Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (as of 2019) Long-year mean value 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (as of 2019) Intermittent flow Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (status 2019) Jülich (status 2019) Drenage outflow Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (status 2019) Groundwater renewal Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (as of 2019) Direct outflow Long-year average 1981-2010 calculated by FZ Jülich (as of 2019)
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