Monitoring Social Urban Development 2013

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Berlin, 2013, Geodaten, Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung, Karten
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The monitoring of social urban development is created as a continuous urban observation system for social spatial development. It serves as an early warning system for identifying area-related needs for action in social urban development. The update of the Monitoring Social Urban Development 2013 (MSS 2013) presented here covers the observation period of the years 2011 and 2012 (data: 31.12.2010-31.12.2012). In turn, it was carried out as a stepped index method at the spatial level of the planning rooms. Compared to the previous monitoring procedure, methodological adjustments have been made. As the MSS is designed as a dynamic system, the third review of indicators and methodology after 2002 and 2007 was carried out as part of the current update to ensure target accuracy. As a result of the review, the set of indicators for index formation was reduced and the method of standardisation was modified. The MSS 2013 is now based on the four index indicators of unemployment, long-term unemployment, transfer reference (SGB II and XII) and child poverty (transfer reference SGB II of the under 15-year-olds), which are used for the formation of a status and a dynamic index. From the overlay of the four classes formed in the status index (high, medium, low, very low) and the three classes of the dynamic index (positive, stable, negative), the overall social inequality index is determined in a total of 12 characteristics to which the 434 planning spaces considered are assigned*. In addition to the four index indicators, a further 13 context indicators are reported. The results of the MSS 2013 show minor changes compared to the MSS 2011, confirming a high consistency in the spatial distribution of socially disadvantaged residents in Berlin: The spatial concentration of the conspicuous areas with above average high values for the four index indicators — unemployment, long-term unemployment, transfer and child poverty — can still be found in Wedding-Moabit, Kreuzberg-Nord, Neukölln-Nord, Spandau-West and Marzahn-Nord and Hellersdorf-Nord. In addition, the high concentration of socially disadvantaged areas in various areas in Reinickendorf is solidified. The overall social inequality index shows that 51 of the 434 planning spaces considered (12 percent) have a very low social status with different dynamics or low social status and negative dynamics. For these planning rooms, the MSS 2013 provides indications of accumulated social problems. They must therefore be particularly taken into account in urban development planning and are designated as areas with particular attention. The areas with special attention are located both in inner-city locations — especially in the western half of the city — Moabit, Osloer Straße, Brunnenstraße Nord, Wedding Centre, southern Friedrichstadt, on both sides of the Neuköllner Ringbahn and Köllnische Heide, as well as in the outer city, especially in the areas of Spandauer Neustadt, Falkenhagener Feld, Heerstraße Nord, Marzahn Nord, Hellersdorf Nord, Märkischesviertel.
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