Monitoring Social Urban Development 2017

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Karten, Geodaten, 2017, Berlin, Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung
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Dataset description

The Monitoring Social Urban Development (MSS) serves the small-scale observation of changes in socio-structural development in the subareas of the city of Berlin. As a result of the MSS, areas are identified at the spatial level of the planning areas of Berlin, which are above average affected by social disadvantage in the overall urban comparison and which require increased attention to urban development policy. As part of Berlin’s urban development policy, the MSS has an indicative and early warning function. The update of the Monitoring Social Urban Development 2017 (MSS 2017) presented here covers the monitoring period of the years 2015 and 2016 (data: 31.12.2014-31/12/2016). In the course of the MSS 2013, the graded index method used for the MSS was modified; this procedure was also used in the current monitoring. Four index indicators, each presented as status and dynamics (change status over 2 years), form the basis for calculating a status and a dynamic index: Unemployment, long-term unemployment, transfer (SGB II and XII) and child poverty (transfer reference SGB II of under 15-year-olds). From the overlay of the four classes formed of the status index (high, medium, low, very low) and the three classes of the dynamic index (positive, stable, negative), the overall social inequality index is determined in a total of 12 expressions to which the 436 planning spaces considered are considered. This assignment makes it possible for each of the planning spaces considered to provide a statement about its current social situation and its development in 2015 and 2016. In addition, 16 additional context indicators are calculated for each planning space considered, describing the socio-spatial situation in greater detail.
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