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Saarländisches Denkmalschutzgesetz, Denkmalschutz, Grabungsschutzgebiet, gesellschaft, infoMapAccessService, Schutzgebiete
Dataset description
The map service represents protected monuments in the Saarland.:The Land Monuments Authority is authorised to declare, by ordinance in consultation with the municipality, certain, demarcated areas, temporary or indefinitely, as excavation protected areas if there is reasonable reason to believe that they are recovering landmarks. (§18(5) SDschG) A list of monuments is kept at the Land Monument Authority, which also contains a list of the excavation protected areas. (§6(1) SDschG) The list of monuments and its extensions must be published in the Official Gazette of the Saarland with regard to excavation areas. The municipalities have a partial list of monuments, monuments and excavation areas available for inspection for their area of competence. (§6(3) SDschG) In excavation protection areas, all works in which soil monuments can be exposed or endangered are subject to approval. Agricultural or forestry use remains permitted to the present extent. (§10(2) SDschG) Finds that are masterless or hidden for so long that their owner can no longer be identified will become property of the country when they have been discovered in state investigations, in excavation sites or in unauthorised excavations, or if they have scientific value. (§ 14 SDschG) The following excavation protection areas are established in detail (as of March 2011): 1. Excavation Protection Area Großhemmersdorf, Ordinance of 27.7.2004 in Official Journal 2004, No 37 of 19.8.2004, p. 1738 f. Settlement, Roman 2. Excavation Protection Area Reinheim, Ordinance of 4.8.1999 in Official Journal 1999 No. 45, 21.10.1999, p. 1437 f. European Cultural Park Bliesbruck-Reinheim (Celtic Prince’s Tomb Hill, Roman Villa, Settlements Stone Age, Bronze Age, Tomb Fields) 3. Excavation Protection Area Schwarzenacker Ordinance of 15.8.1979 in Official Journal 1979 No. 32, 14.9.1979, p. 757, vicus, Roman 4. Excavation Protection Area Wareswald, Ordinance of 5.3.2002 in Official Journal 2002 No 26, 24.5.2002, p. 963 f., as amended by Ordinance of 21.11.2002 in Official Journal 2002 No 53, 21.11.2002, p. 2294 et seq. vicus, Römisch 5. Excavation Protection Area Tholey Behind the Nursery, Ordinance of 2.12.2002 in Official Journal 2002 of 19.12.2002, p. 2596, as amended by Ordinance of 24.1.2003 in Official Journal 2003 of 6.2.2003, p. 250 Temple District, Roman 6. Excavation Protection Area Kasbruch, Ordinance of 27.8.2003 in Official Journal 2003 No. 37 of 11.9.2003, p. 2450 f. quarries, industrial buildings, settlement, tomb fields, Roman. 7. Excavation Reserve Roman Villa Borg, last decreed on 1.12.2007 in Official Gazette 2008 No. 40 of 2.10.2008 p. 1600 f. Settlement, Roman
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