Monuments — City of Aachen

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
denkmalbereich, denkmal, WMS, Stadt Aachen, opendata, denkmalschutz
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Surrounding polygon of the monuments of the city of Aachen; The city of Aachen has the two memorial areas “In the Home Gardens” and “The City of Aachen”. In the scope of the new statutes (Statute for the Conservation of the Monument Area “INNENSTADT”), changes and interventions on roofs and facades to public areas and roads (such as the expansion of roof structures or the installation of mobile phone systems), land enclosures, parcel divisions and road management, as well as the use and design of public areas of historical importance and therefore subject to authorisation. Even in the event of changes that do not require a building regulatory approval, the Lower Monument Authority (Department of Monument Conservation) must be involved! Within a building permit procedure, the Authority is asked to comment. This is also considered a landmark permit. The city of Aachen has decided to protect the uniqueness of the settlement “in the home gardens”. Nevertheless, it should be possible for residents to adapt the house units to their living needs. Rules have therefore been drawn up to determine the degree of change and at the same time preserve the settlement character.
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