MRH Commercial Areas and Commercial Areas from GEFIS II

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Nordwestmecklenburg, GeoDok, Metropolregion Hamburg, Rotenburg Wümme, Flurstücke, Stormarn, Segeberg, Kreis, Parzellenscharf, Harburg, Wirtschaftsstandort, Gewerbeflächenportal, Gewerbeflächenvermarktung, Heidekreis, Gewerbeflächen-Monitoring, Gewerbeflächeninformationssystem, Standortsuche, Flächenmessung, Verfügbare Gewerbefläche, Gewerbeflächenmarkt, Gewerbeflächensuche, Herzogtum Lauenburg, Dithmarschen, ECON, Ludwiglust-Parchim, Kreisfreie Stadt, GDIMRH, Distanzmessung, GEFIS, Gewerbeflächenplanung, Unternehmensstandort, Steinburg, Kreisplanung, Gewerbegrundstück
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The flagship project “Strengthening the cooperation of commercial land development in the Hamburg metropolitan region” is a cooperation between all (country) districts and district-free cities in the Hamburg metropolitan region. The goal is • The digital availability of bundled information on commercial space in the region, • The marketing possibilities of commercial land in the region, • The perception of MRH as a strong business location in the national and international context, • Cooperation and communication in the region to improve. As part of the project, the existing commercial space information system GEFIS was relaunched in 2019 and expanded with many new functions. The information system is used via the online platform GEFIS to support the marketing of commercial premises in the region. Companies can search specifically for commercial space in the region and are led to the relevant contact persons. In addition, it serves as a central, digital information platform for economic promoters and planners and serves as a basis for presenting information on the commercial space market on its own websites. In addition to a factual data search, the new GEFIS has a map-based search of the available commercial space recorded in the system on the basis of ALKIS data in the Hamburg metropolitan region. Furthermore, the system has an internal area for users to enter data and use the content and evaluations. The map in the public area of GEFIS gives an overview of the currently available commercial space in the recorded commercial areas. The search of available commercial spaces can be done for various sub-rooms both via the map and via the search mask. It is possible to specify the search for the following search criteria: Local authority (districts, municipalities), area size, price, transport connection, territorial identification and availability. According to the search criteria, the areas are displayed both in a list view and in the map. When you click on an area shown as available in the map, an info box with the most important information about the area appears. Further, detailed information is displayed in an exposé on the respective area, which can be called out of Infobox. The Exposé can be saved or printed as a PDF document. A more detailed description of the flagship project “Enhancing the cooperation of commercial space development in the Hamburg metropolitan region” can be found on the website of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region: The data in GEFIS are mainly based on the input of the planning offices (including building offices, planning offices, GIS departments) and economic promotion facilities of the municipalities and districts in the metropolitan region of Hamburg. The following other data sources were used by the technical service provider GeoDok GmbH, Bielefeld, as basics for the creation of maps: * Alkis data of the Länder Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein * Topographical map of the Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy * Aerial photographs of the state company Geoinformation and Survey Hamburg Technical service provider is the company GeoDok GmbH in Bielefeld. The transport connections specified in GEFIS are based on the calculations of the leading project Accessibility Analysis of the TU Hamburg-Harburg. The data is integrated into GEFIS for the automated calculation of the distances of the respective commercial space to selected modes of transport.
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