Museums in Saarland: Collection of museums in the Saarland by the spatial data centre in lcf, State Office for Surveying, Geoinformation and Land Development. Description of the attribute table: KREIS-: Circle number HNR-: House number ADZ-: Additional address RW-: Legal value HW-: High value STR_NAME-: Street name Postcode: Postcode ORT_NAME-: Place name MUSEUMSNAME-: Name of the museum TRAEGER-: Holders of the Museum TELEFON-: Telephone number MUSEUMSLEITER_IN-: Museum manager LANDKREIS_NAME-: County name LINK-: Link to the Saarländischer Museumsverband e.V/Museums in Saarland ERFASSER-: Data and date collection of museums On the basis of lists, list of museums in the Saarland on the page of the Saarländische Museumsverband e.V. DTK5, house coordinates, orthophotos of the lsee State Office for Surveying, Geoinformation and Land Development. The data were collected by the spatial data center, at lcf.
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