Nitrate discharge risk according to § 7 AVV GEA of the reference parcels in NRW status 01/2022

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.27 00:00
Available languages
DUEV, Schläge, Gülle, LANUV, GWK, Feldblöcke, Feldbloecke, Teilschläge, Nitrat, Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, rote Gebiete, AVV GeA, opendata, Landwirtschaft, belastetes Gebiet, ELWAS, LANUV-WMS, rotes Gebiet, WRRL, Grundwasser, DÜV, NO3, Grundwasserkörper, Wirtschaftsdünger, nitrataustragsgefährdete Gebiete, Nitrataustag, Düngeverordnung
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Dataset description

The “maximum tolerable N balance in kg N/(ha*a) to comply with the groundwater threshold of a maximum of 50 mg/L in leachate below the rootable soil zone” is shown per block. This is the median value per field block from the GROWA+ NRW 2021 calculation model, calculated in accordance with § 7 AVV GEA and Annex 3. The model result was calculated within the framework of the GROWA+ NRW 2021 project by Forschungszentrum Jülich in a 100 x 100 m grid in accordance with the methodology described in Annex 3 to AVV GEA. Based on the values per grid cell, the median values per field block were determined. The median value calculation was done by the LANUV. The calculation is based on the following input data: • Denitrification conditions in the soil according to soil map 1:50,000 (GD NRW) • usable field capacity according to soil map 1:50,000 (GD NRW) • rooting depth corresponding to soil map 1:50,000 (GD NRW) • grid (100 x 100 m) of land use created on the basis of ATKIS-DLM and INVEKOS 2016/2017 as part of the project GROWA+ NRW 2021 (Thünen-Institut/Agriculture Chamber of NRW), status 2019 • Long-term average leachate rate calculated with the water balance model mGROWA (FZ Jülich) per grid cell 100 x 100 m for the 1991-2010 time series, 2019 • Current available land use specific atmospheric N-deposition as background value from the PINETI3 project of the Federal Environment Agency, based on the time series 2010-2015 The data set contains the field blocks according to field block statistics NRW 2021 as polygons (Feature in Geodatabase "GLDN nitrate discharges" prevention-to-par-7-AVV-GeA_EPSG25832_Geodatabase.gdb" or shape "GLDN nitrate discharge-to-par-7-AVV-GeA_EPSG25832”.
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