Noise in agglomerations — IED systems — Level grid LDEN

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.22 12:42
Available languages
lärmbelastungskataster, umgebungslärmrichtlinie, opendata, cc-by, industrielärm, lärm, gdiby, regional, pegel-lden, extern, lbk, ballungsraum, umgebungslärm
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Dataset description

The data include the calculation results of the 2017 environmental noise mapping in the agglomerations in Bavaria. These are all cities in Bavaria with more than 100,000 inhabitants, i.e. Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Fürth, Erlangen, Würzburg, Regensburg and Ingolstadt. In each agglomeration, noise was covered by road transport, industrial and commercial facilities in accordance with Directive 2010/75/EU of 24.11.2010 on integrated prevention and reduction of environmental protection (IED Directive) and, where available, tram and above-ground underground transport. The noise indices LDEN and LNight in dB(A) are used as a measure of general harassment or as a measure of sleep disturbance. The LDEN level is an emission level averaged over 24 hours, calculated from the levels Lday, Levening and LNight for the assessment times day (6:00-18:00), evening (18:00-22:00) and night (22:00-6:00). Due to weight factors of 5 dB(A) for the four-hour evening time and 10 dB(A) for the eight-hour night time, the increased noise sensitivity during these times is taken into account. The layer describes the noise pollution caused by industrial installations in the agglomeration, expressed by the noise index LDEN in accordance with the EC Environmental Noise Directive. According to the Directive, only IED installations are taken into account.
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