Overview map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 100 000 (ÜK 100)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Ertragsfähigkeit, Nutzungseignung, Kartieranleitung, Wasserverhältnisse, Flächendaten, Land use, Wertzahl, Bodenartenschichtung, Flächendatenbank, Geologisches ausgangsgestein, Bodeneinheit, Bodenvergesellschaftung
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Dataset description

The scientifically based soil mapping (soil inventory) with the publication of soil maps is the most important basis for soil use, soil protection and soil research. These are surface data of soil-based mapping for the distribution and characteristics of the soils. They are the basis for the ground map 1: 100 000. The Ground Map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 100 000 (BK 100) represent the distribution of soils grouped into soil units in the leafy area. The map legend contains for each floor unit information on the soil type stratification up to 2 m depth, the soil types and the geological base rock. A special column shows the values of soil estimation, suitability for use, yieldability and workability, as well as the water conditions of the soils. To the sheets of the ground cards 1: There are 100 000 explanatory booklets in which the soils, including their chemical and physical characteristics, are described in detail. The soil maps form an important basis for tasks in agriculture, forestry, land planning, land maintenance, water management and nature conservation, as well as for research, teaching and teaching. The overview map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 100 000 consists of explanatory book, soil map and hydrogeological map. Originally, this work was started as a three-fold main map with geological map, ground map and hydrogeoloic map, but was discontinued after two sheets were released in favor of the BK 50 and HK 50. The geological map of both leaves has now been published in 2nd edition as GK 100. The detailed explanation highlights the geological, soil and hydrogeological characteristics of the leaf area. The soil map shows in a simplified way the different ground units, notes on the genesis are in the legend. The hydrogeological map shows the thickness of the groundwater filled and groundwater leading layers of the upper groundwater stock. Secondary maps show the chemical character of the groundwater on the upper floor as well as the groundwater abstraction points by public and industrial waterworks. Out-of-print cards are to be obtained as reproduction (color plot) at the same price as the print copy. The following overview maps of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 100 000 (OK 100) are available: Sheet name Year of publication Order no. Special features C4302 Bocholt 1967 5500 G C4310 Münster 1962 5501 RK, U G cards available only RK Reproduction cards U cards only unfolded (plano) available
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