Overview map of organic carbon stocks in soils of Schleswig-Holstein — Map 1: Corg supplies up to 30 cm below terrain surface in t/ha

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Corg, Boden, opendata, Schleswig-Holstein, gdi-sh, Humusvorrat, Humusmenge, ENVI, Karten
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Dataset description

Carbon is stored in the organic matter (humus) of soils. The present map is used to display humus quantities or stocks in soils. The unit is tonnes per hectare (t/ha). The organic carbon stocks (Corg stocks) are derived from the product of humus content in mass% — soil, the dry raw density of the soil and the viewing depth in cm (here 30 cm). In the case of mineral soils under forest, the presentation is carried out taking into account the humus pad. The basis is the geometries and ideal profiles (guide and supporting floors) of the soil overview map 1:250,000 of Schleswig-Holsteinl. The usage information comes from the dataset Corine-Landcover (CLC 5 2018 of the Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)) and has been aggregated to 5 classes for this map. The attribute table of the map also contains information about absolute organic carbon reserves of the individual surfaces. Areas up to a minimum size of 1 ha are displayed. In settlement areas and heavily anthropogenic areas, the data show higher uncertainties, which is why the map representation in these areas was grayed out. The attribute table of the area data contains the corresponding information.
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