Planned Land Use Wuppertal

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Ottenbrucher Straße, LG NRW, LNatSchG NRW, Poststraße, Elberfelder Nordstadt, Robert-Koch-Platz, Bachtal, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, FFH-Gebiet, Sedansberg, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße, Gestaltungssatzung, Bebauungsplan, Festsetzungskarte, Landschaftsgesetz NRW, GDI-W, Ortsbildsatzung, verbindlicher Bauleitplan, Entwicklungsziel, Erschließungsmaßnahme, Bebauungsplanverfahren, BNatSchG, Liebigstraße, opendata, inspire, Herbringhausen, Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, Ortskern Beyenburg, Bauordnungsrecht, Spieckern, Siepen, Wuppertal-Nord, Ortskern Cronenberg, BauGB, im Zusammenhang bebauter Ortsteil, Ortsrecht, Hardtplätzchen, Pflegemaßnahme, Wuppertal-Ost, Erhaltungssatzung, Landesnaturschutzgesetz NRW, Ortsteil Wichlinghausen, Siedlungsstraße, Frielinghausen, Entwicklungsmaßnahme, BauO NRW, Innenbereichssatzung, Siedlung Pastorat, Landschaft, Luisenstraße, Landesbauordnung NRW, Stadtgestaltung, Zulässigkeit von Vorhaben, Briller Viertel, Baugesetzbuch, Örtliche Bauvorschrift, Platz am Kolk, Besonderes Städtebaurecht, Wuppertal-West, Gelpe, Langerfeld-Beyenburg, Lotte-Neumann-Siedlung, Satzung, B-Plan, Wuppertal, Entwicklungskarte, Döppersberg, Planungsgrundlagen, Alte Freiheit, Klarstellungssatzung, Westlicher Werth, Wachtelstraße, Grünewalder Berg
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Dataset description

The data series comprises the four data sets “Legally binding building plans Wuppertal”, “Legally binding interior regulations Wuppertal”, “Legal binding conservation and design statutes Wuppertal” and “Legal binding landscape plans Wuppertal”, which jointly provide the content for the layer “Land Use — Spatial Plan” in the INSPIRE presentation service of the city of Wuppertal. The layer is specified in the INSPIRE document “D2.8.III.4 INSPIRE Data Specification on Land Use — Technical Guidelines”, Version 3.0, Chapter 11. Only for this reason does the aggregation of the four data sets have an identity as a data series. The data set “Legal binding building plans Wuppertal” covers the spatial scope of the (as of 08/2017) 665 legally binding building plans of the City of Wuppertal pursuant to §2 (1) Building Code (BauGB) including some implementation plans based on the Construction Law North Rhine-Westphalia. The scope of each interior statute is a coherent polygon defined in the original Statute document by a 1:1000 scale site plan. The data set “Legal binding conservation and design statutes Wuppertal” covers the territorial scope of all the legally effective Wuppertal statutes of the following 3 types: (1) Conservation statutes according to §172 Baugesetzbuch (BauGB), (2) local building regulations adopted as articles of association in accordance with §86 Bauordnung NRW (BauO NRW) in the expressions “local image set” and “design statutes”, (3) combined conservation and design statutes according to §172 BauGB and §86 BauO NRW. The database is complete and as of 01.05.2017 it included 11 articles of association with a total of 16 areas. The data set “Legally binding landscape plans Wuppertal” covers the spatial scope of the four legally binding landscape plans of the city of Wuppertal: Wuppertal-Gelpe, Wuppertal-Ost, Wuppertal-Nord and Wuppertal-West. Apart from the Wuppertal-West landscape plan, the scopes are multipolygons, i.e. several non-coherent areas (North: 13, East: 4, Gelpe: 2). All four data sets are available under an open data license (CC BY-ND 4.0) with the exclusion of data change. According to the AG Geokom.NRW of the leading municipal associations in NRW and the state of NRW, there is a statutory publication obligation for this data series in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive and the Spatial Data Access Act NRW. It is referred to in the recommendation for action of this WG to the topic of “soil use” set out in Annex III to the Directive.
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