Thematic maps on the population in Rhineland-Palatinate at district, association community and community level at the end of the year. The population density, the population as a whole, by selected age groups in the total population, the foreign population in the total population by number and as a share in %, as well as the youth and old age quotients. In addition, changes in the population as a whole, according to selected age groups of the total population and the foreign population, are indicated in % compared to previous years. In the youth quotient, the number of children and adolescents under the age of 20 is related to the number of people aged 65 and over to 100 persons aged 20 to 64 (working population). The data are derived from the population update statistics based on the 2011 census: Population on 31.12.2021. Population under 20 years, share of total population in %, county level
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