Potential suitability of soils for geothermal heat collectors — soil suitability

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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2022.11.23 00:00
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Dataset description

This application provides builders, planners and contractors with information on the potential suitability of the near-surface subsurface (soil up to 2 m depth) for the extraction of thermal energy. Furthermore, thermal conductivity can be called up, which play an important role in the dimensioning of geothermal heat collectors. Often geothermal heat collectors with sufficient surface area are a sensible and cost-effective alternative to geothermal probes. In addition, they can be an alternative to the often ineligible geothermal probes in critical areas of water management (drinking water sanctuaries, healing spring sanctuaries, mineral water protection areas). The basis for the themed maps is the ground-based data of the digital floor overview map in scale 1: 200,000 (BÜK 200). The BÜK 200 is part of LGB’s floor specialist information system. It provides information about the structure and composition of the near-surface subsurface to a maximum depth of two meters. It should be noted that the maps are for orientation only. In any case, specific projects require on-site investigations. Terms of use see: http://www.lgb-rlp.de/karten-und-produkte/online-karten/nutzungsbedingungen-fuer-online-karten.html:Die location suitability of soils for the extraction of geothermal energy is particularly good on surfaces with high heat extraction lines. The water balance has an outstanding significance for this. Deep soils with good humidification and/or low groundwater fluid levels are particularly well suited. Rocky, flat-grown soils have little suitability, in which the pending rock occurs above 1.2 m below the surface of the terrain. Here, low heat extraction performance can be calculated and the geothermal heat collectors may not be able to be laid deep enough. Deep soils without wetting are basically suitable. The location conditions may be improved by the leakage of rainwater.
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