Pre-recording leaves

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
1864.01.01 00:00
Available languages
Grundsteuerkataster, Historische Flurkarte, gdiby, Grenzen, Lithografiedruck, Orte, Geschichte, Fluren, Kataster, Gebäude, Liegenschaft, Denkmal, Historische Karte, Chronik, Renovationsmessung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In the years 1808-1864, about 24,000 original records were created in Bavaria to establish the land tax register. The original images include the indication of the map sheet, parcel boundaries transferred from the measuring table drawings, mark marks, buildings, possessions and house numbers, hall names, place names, colored ownership lines (many lines), roads and paths mostly without names, waters, land use, topographic information, tax municipality boundaries (red) and information at the edge of the map. The digital format also includes information on the history, production and recording process. The original image sheet is available as scanned grid image with and without georeferencing. For the rereferenced files, the map image and the map frame are delivered in 2 files. Thus, the map image can be assembled without sheet-cutting. Image montages from several map sheets are also possible. Analog output as SW printing or colour reproduction in the format DIN A3 or in the format 58 cm x 58 cm (original size) is also possible.Prints are available in 150 dpi or 300 dpi (standard). A higher print resolution at output does not increase the historical print quality of the original recording.
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