Preliminary ground map of Saxony-Anhalt 1:50000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.06.09 22:00
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Dataset description

Digital surface information of the Preliminary Ground Map in scale 1:50,000 (VBK50) in evaluation of digitised documents in the scales 1:10,000/1:25,000. These are: — large-scale project mapping, — Medium-sized agricultural site mapping maps 1:25,000 (MMK), — forest location mapping. This input information was aggregated according to the area requirements of the scale 1:50,000. No terrain mapping took place. For the content characterisation of the legend units and for further evaluation, area data sets are available as standard profiles. The preliminary soil map is provided in a usage-differentiated version of the soil data, i.e. the polygons were differentiated according to the evaluation of the use at the time of flight CIR (2005) and the profile corresponding to the soil use was assigned to the substrate-horizontal groups. The legend unit KA4_BOD reproduces the dominant soil form within an area and contains soil and substrate systematic information. As a rule, further soil forms occur within an area. Due to the heterogeneous initial documents, a representation of the usual soil form socialisation on this scale was omitted. The dominant soil types (BODTYP_T) within an area have been grouped according to their similarity to soil classes (BODKLAS). The summation of soil types into soil classes was based on KA5. The soil classes can be superimposed with the substrate types (BODTEXT, SUB_V) of the VBK 50. The spectrum of possible soil types is specified in the field BTG_TEXT. A classification of the total soil type is carried out for the top and bottom section of the profile (GBA_OBEN, GBA_UNTEN) in accordance with the ground study carting instructions, 5th edition.
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