Presentation service: Floor maps (WMS-LBGR-BOKARTEN)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Bodenkunde, BÜK 300, Bodenkarte, Bodengeologie, Bodengeologische Karte, Mittelmaßstäbige landwirtschaftliche Standortkartierung, Bodenkartierung, Geologie, BK 50, WMS, bboxbebb, MMK, Boden, Kartenwerk, Bodengeologische Übersichtskarte, Landwirtschaft
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Dataset description

The presentation service (WMS) soil maps provides an overview of the three maps of the soil geological map (BK 50), soil geological overview map (BÜK 300) and medium-sized agricultural location mapping (MMK), which are based on data for the state of Brandenburg. The displayed contents of the BK 50 were for scale 1: 50,000 created and are larger for representations in scales 1: 25,000 are not suitable. The displayed contents of the BÜK 300 were shown for scale 1: 300,000 created and are larger for representations in scales 1: 50,000 are not suitable. The displayed contents of the MMK were shown for scale 1: 100,000 created and are for representations in scales greater 1: 100,000 are not suitable. BK 50: The soil geological map is currently the most high-resolution soil geological map developed by the LBGR. Already appeared: Sheet L3744 (Potsdam). Further sheets are in progress. BÜK 300: The soil geological overview map is the first use-independent soil geological map, which is available nationwide for Brandenburg. The map provides an overview of essential soils and is the basis for concrete tasks such as land, soil protection or spatial planning at the state level. The legend is structured according to substrate characteristics and consists of 99 units in which the guide floor mould societies are represented. The surface soil shapes that characterise them were covered by chemical and physical parameters, which are stored in a surface soil mould archive. In an additional layer, selected profile recording points are displayed, each linked with a link to a detailed profile description. This makes it possible to access the data of the digital card using different evaluation methods. MMK: The medium-sized agricultural site mapping was developed between 1974 and 1981 under the direction of Soil Science Eberswalde of the Research Center for Soil Fertility of the then Academy of Agricultural Sciences and is still an important basis for information for a wide range of questions. The present value of this work lies, on the one hand, in its ability to express certain standards and, on the other hand, to the fact that a map work developed according to newer nomenclatures is only being processed on a comparable or larger scale for agricultural land.
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