Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR15-2 2015 (PANORAMA-2)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Barentssee, Two-dimensional seismic reflection, Spitzbergen, Marine geology, Svalbard, Barents Sea, Seismics, geology, Seismik, zweidimensionale Reflektionsseismik, Meeresgeologie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The PANORAMA-2 research cruise was carried out between August 15th and September 20th 2015 aboard the Italian research vessel OGS Explora, like the PANORAMA-1 cruise in 2013. The intended survey area was the European sector of the Arctic east and southeast of the Svalbard archipelago in the area of the northern Barents Sea. Main target of the PANORAMA-2 cruise was the acquisition of new geophysical data and the probing of surficial sediments in the underexplored area of the Sørkapp Basin and Olga Basin. In the course of the 20 day lasting Leg1 of the PANORAMA-2 cruise geophysical data acquisition was carried out. About 1750 km of 2D multi-channel seismic data were acquired and about 350 km of wide angle seismic data by means of sonobuoys. Sediment echosounder data, multi-beam data, gravity data and geomagnetic data were acquired during the entire cruise in a 24/7 mode within the survey area. After a 1-day stopover in Longyearbyen for a crew change of a part of the scientific crew, the research vessel OGS Explora returned to the survey area for another 11 days. During Leg-2 of the PANORAMA-2 cruise the surficial sediments were sampled by means of gravity corer, multi corer and dredge at 34 stations all together. Sediment sampling was carried out during day-light times only. Night times were used for acquisition of geomagnetic data, gravity data, sediment echosounder data and multi-beam data.
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