The feature class consists of the following topics, which overlap in large parts: • WFD water network (as at 2013) • WFD priority waters (as of August 2016) • Priority waters for the implementation of WFD measures (as of August 2016) • Flood risk areas according to HWRM-RL (as of 2014) WFD Water Network:The flowing waters relevant to the Water Framework Directive (WFD); 10 sq km) as line geometries. WFD Priority Waters: The water network of priority waters according to WFD was used as a basic framework for the nationwide programme of water landscapes in Lower Saxony. Priority waters for the implementation of WFD measures: In order to achieve the environmental objectives according to WFD, special appropriate priority waters were identified from the WFD priority waters, thus condensing once again the country-wide priority water setting. These priority waters are highlighted in the programme setting. In particular on these waters, the implementation of measures should be significantly intensified as part of the Lower Saxony Water Alliance in conjunction with entertainment associations. The focus on these national priority waters will also be pursued under the umbrella of the Action Programme. Flood risk areas according to the HWRM-RL: From the point of view of flood protection and flood prevention when working on the backdrop, particular attention was paid to the areas with particular need for action throughout the country. These include areas with significant flood risk in accordance with Section 73(1) of the WHG (so-called “flood risk areas”) in Lower Saxony (inland waters).
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