Protective setting of the moor and moor floors

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.31 23:00
Available languages
Moore, GLÖZ 2, Schutzkulisse, DGLG, Anmoore, Guter landwirtschaftlicher und ökologischer Zustand, Anmoorkulisse, gdi-sh, GAP, Karten, organische Böden, Moorkulisse, Dauergrünlanderhaltungsgesetz, Anmoor, Moor
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The protection of peat and peg soils is used for the implementation of the Permanent Grassland Conservation Act (DGLG) and for application within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union with regard to standard GAEC 2 (protection of wetlands and bogs). The map of the moor and moor floors shows areas according to DGLG § 3(1), sentence 1, no. 6 and 7 as well as according to the GLÖZ 2 standard of the CAP as an orientation representation. It serves the agricultural administration in the implementation of the rules and provides farmers with information on the documents used to examine the applications. The following minimum requirements apply to affiliation with the backdrop of moor and moor floors: In the ground up to 40 cm below the hallway there is a layer of at least 10 cm thick with at least 15 % humus. This percentage corresponds to the soil scientific criteria for a moored soil, for moor soils 30 % humus with a thickness of 30 cm is required. It should be noted that according to the definition, the humus-rich layer does not necessarily have to be on the terrain surface. The map was derived from existing information bases and secured by sampling and laboratory analysis. It is not differentiated according to Anmoor and Moor and not according to the thickness of humus layers. Contiguous areas > 2 ha are shown. Exceptions apply to areas related to content, which are separated by topographical elements such as roads and flowing waters. For them, the sum of the individual areas must be > 2 ha. The map is not limited to the agricultural area but shows the moors and moors of all types of use.
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