Quaternary Geological Map of Lower Saxony 1: 500 000 — Depth of the quaternary base

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Geologie, NIBIS-Metadaten, inspireidentifiziert
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Dataset description

The map on the depths of the Quaternary Base in Lower Saxony 1: 500 000 provides a highly generalised overview of the situation of the base of the quaternary deposits and formations in Lower Saxony. The indication of the depth position is based on evaluations of boreholes and geophysical measurements, the representation takes the form of isolines in meters in relation to NN. This map provides an overview of the large-scale construction of the underground. Point-to-point or small-scale statements are not possible with this overview map, as details of the strongly reliefed quarter base area in scale 1: 500 000 cannot be shown. The age of the Quaternary is divided into the Ice Age (Pleistocene) as well as the still ongoing after-ice period (Holocene). Overall, the Quaternary in Lower Saxony is characterised by a multiple change of cold and warm times, each of which has left characteristic deposits and formations. The quaternary base is formed by tertiary rocks or older solid rocks. The national reference of the low level of the quaternary base on NN makes it possible to draw conclusions on the overall power of the quaternary deposits and formations if additional use is made of a height model of Lower Saxony.
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