These are two atmospheric hourly hindcasts for Siberia using COSMO-CLM (CCLM) version 4.8_clm_11 with spectral nudging. The hindcast CCLM_sib_NCEP1 covers a period from 1948-2010 and has been performed using NCEP-R1 Reanalysis as global atmospheric forcing for the initialisation and regional boundaries. The hindcast CCLM_sib_ERA40 was driven by ERA-40 from 1959-2001.
CCLM uses a rotated grid with 76 x 76 grid points (without the sponge zone) and a grid point distance of 0.44 degrees, the rotated North pole is located at 75 W, 35 N.
In rotated coordinates the model area extends from 14.72 W to 18.28 E, 9.72 S to 27.68 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 41.2 W to 174.9 E, 42 N to 82.7 N. For all variables lon, lat and the value of the 18:00 time record for the last day is added.
The output from the model run: Blizzard
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