Regional interconnection and development axis

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Buendelung, Bandinfrastruktur, Entwicklungsachse, Raumplanung, Raumstruktur, Planung, RS_4_2, Regionalplan, Regionalplanung, Verbindungsachse, Planowanie; planowanie przestrzenne; plan Regionalny ; wykorzystanie przestrzeni; Struktura przestrzenna; Regionalna oś powiązań i rozwoju, Regionale, Plánování; územní plánování; Regionální plán; Regionální plánování vyhoštění; Struktura území;regionální komunikační a rozvojová osa, Regionalplanerische Ausweisung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Objective in the LEP and target in the regional plan, spatial planning instruments characterised by a bundling of transport and supply lines (band infrastructure) and by a different dense sequence of settlement concentrations. Depending on the characteristics of the task, connection and development axes are distinguished. Cross-regional connecting axes are nationally important axes that reflect the spatial interlinkages of the Saxon compaction areas and upper centres with the upper centres and compaction areas of neighbouring states and states, as well as the integration into European networks. The network of cross-regional interconnection axes is supplemented by a network of regional interconnection and development axes, which in the compaction rooms mainly fulfil ordering functions, in rural areas mainly development functions. Origin:- Regional Planning Association Upper Lusatia/Lower Silesia with a legal basis Regional Plan, 1. Overall update (as of 04.02.2010) — Regional Planning Association Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge with legal basis Regional Plan, 1. Overall update (status 19.11.2009) -Planning association Region Chemnitz with legal basis Regional Plan Chemnitz-Erzgebirge, update (as of 31.07.2008) and regional plan Southwest Saxony, 1. Total update (as of 06.10.2011)
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