Report: Angiosperms: Assessment system WFD — Transition/Coastal waters (2006)’

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Charakterisierung WRRL Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Angiospermen NLWKN Referenzbedingungen Übergangsgewässer Küstengewässer Qualitätskomponenten, Weser
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Dataset description

“With this thesis an evaluation system for the ecological status/potential according to WFD for the angiosperms of the transition and coastal waters of the Weser FGE and for the coastal waters of the Elbe FGE was developed. For this purpose, a literature search was carried out for the individual water bodies in order to be able to describe the previously not or only initially developed reference situations. Data gaps and investigations required to close them have been identified. In order to better classify the current quality of the expansion and manifestation of the ecotopes in the processing area, a historical overview of the geological development as well as the vegetation-historical development of the processing area was carried out. Existing approaches to WFD assessment have been checked for their suitability for applicability in the processing area, adapted and further developed if necessary. Two viewing levels (qualitative and quantitative approach) with different evaluation parameters were taken into account. Except for a sub-area (underwesers of the Weser T1 water body), the same parameters were used for the coastal waters of FGE Ems, Weser and Elbe. Due to the specific conditions in the area of the Unterweser, other evaluation parameters have been developed here. The evaluation system was tested on the basis of existing data and identified missing data. As far as practicable, a comparison was made with the results of other evaluation systems. Questions of overlap, demarcation and compatibility of the approaches under WFD with those under FFH were examined. The methodological requirements for monitoring were broadly outlined. Proposals for action were also presented.”
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