At the level of forecast rooms, the proportion of apartments sold in 2017 in multi-family houses per 1,000 apartments is represented.
In 2017, apartments of an order of 0.61 % of the housing stock (2017) were sold in Berlin. Sales of newly built condominiums, apartments in single and two-family houses and parcel sales have not been taken into account. A declaration of division (conversion) must be available. At the level of forecast rooms, the disposal rate per 1,000 apartments is presented. The sale rate in five forecast rooms was below one in a thousand homes. Eight forecast rooms recorded more than ten divestments per thousand homes. The forecast area Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf 2 (14.0) followed by Friedrichshain-East (13.1) had the highest disposal rate. The lowest disposal rate was recorded in the forecast area Northern Weißensee followed by Kaulsdorf/Mahlsdorf
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