RV Bodensee-Oberschwaben (0843) — Protection zones of Lake Constance (8411)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

General short description: According to the 1984 Lake Constance shore plan, protection zones are designated within the shallow water zones. The protection zones are divided into protection zone I and protection zone II. The classification is determined by the limnological significance, the degree of damage and future use — including the immediate side of the land. Protection zone I shall be kept free of construction or other facilities; this applies in particular to deposits, port facilities, bridges and buoy fields. Other interventions, which may affect the shallow water zone, are also not allowed. In protection zone II, public and private construction or other installations and other interventions shall only be permitted if they are compatible with the protection of the shallow water zone according to the scope, design and consequential effect or if the public interest outweighs the purpose of protection. Specific short description:More information about the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/beda6c6ee2f48bacd9f9ba2c9563461e28bc6471
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